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Monday, April 26, 2010

Clearing the Air: Safer Air Cleaning Remedies

I had never thought much about cleaning the air in my home.  A long time ago I just masked any funkiness with air freshening sprays, carpet powders and candles.  Little did I know I was polluting the air in my house more by doing those things.  Since I’ve tried to eliminate toxic chemicals from my house, the air included I’ve adopted more effective practices.  And while I have no way to measure whether the air in my house is actually cleaner, I can rest a little easier knowing my attempts are safer.  Between two kids, dogs and a husband who trains for marathons (read: smelly workout gear), odors do turn up.  Here is my attack methods and a review of one air purifier I’ve been trying out.

House Plants

This seems like a silly and obvious tip, but apparently plants do a better job of cleaning and filtering the air than anything else.  Some of the best plants for removing toxins (like formaldehyde, benzene and carbon monoxide) are Bamboo Palms, Chinese Evergreens, English Ivy and Gerber Daisies.  NASA ran some research tests and came up with a Top 10 list of house plants that clean the air.  Here is their comprehensive list:
  • Bamboo Palm – Chamaedorea Seifritzii
  • Chinese Evergreen - Aglaonema Modestum
  • English Ivy Hedera Helix
  • Gerbera Daisy Gerbera Jamesonii
  • Janet Craig - Dracaena “Janet Craig”
  • Marginata - Dracaena Marginata
  • Mass cane/Corn Plant - Dracaena Massangeana
  • Mother-in-Law’s Tongue Sansevieria Laurentii
  • Pot Mum – Chrysantheium morifolium
  • Peace Lily - Spathiphyllum
  • Warneckii - Dracaena “Warneckii”

Fresh Air!

Ever hear the term “stale air”? There is some truth to it! The more air tight your home is (which is typical of newer construction) the more opportunity dust, dust mites and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) have to accumulate.   Drafty homes aren’t great for your heating bill but they are a little healthier in terms of air quality.  Not everyone can do this all the time (especially in the winter) but as soon as the opportunity arrives, open as many windows as possible to get some quality air flow through your house.   I try to do this when I am doing a big clean (which doesn’t happen often enough around here) so help move the air through the house.

Air Purifiers with HEPA Filters

At first, I started using these in my sons room to create some white noise while he slept… our house was quite small at the time and it seemed to drown out any noise going on in other areas.  But it also served as a way to clean the air he was sleeping in.  Since I had to clean the filters and screens monthly I can only assume that gunk was pulled out of the air.  Ew. What I didn’t realize was that it was important to use an air purifier with a HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filter to aid in removing allergens and blocking tiny particles which can irritate airways or cause an allergic reactions.
I had the opportunity to try out an air purifier from Germ Guardian, UV-C and True HEPA Air Cleansing System.  In addition to the HEPA filter it also has a UV-C light to kill common germs and bacteria, kills airborne mold spores and fights odors (like the diaper pail perhaps?). It has a quiet and powerful fan system, which makes good white noise… no rattling or knocking noises.  It’s really made well and comes apart easily for cleaning.  This is an especially perfect unit for those of us who haven’t invested in a HEPA house filter yet.

Permanent Solutions / Tips

  • Choose Low or No-VOC paints
  • Choose carpets made of natural fibers like wool
  • Choose natural and/or untreated materials when selecting furniture
  • Dust often and use a vacuum with a HEPA filter
  • Use HEPA filters on your HVAC
  • Have forced air systems cleaned and sealed
  • Use soy candles – they create less soot
  • Skip the toxic cleaners!

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